MI Paddle Stewards is a program of Michigan Sea Grant, with funding from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program. The Paddle Stewards program battles aquatic invasive species in Michigan by enlisting recreational paddlers to help identify and map invasive species along Michigan’s water trails. Paddle Stewards also receive and share education on ways to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species through paddlesport activities.
You can be a part of this program while doing what you love! Sign up for a brief training session, then use an app on your smartphone to report invasive species from your regular paddle routes. Share what you have learned with other paddlers. In minutes you can make a big difference.
If you have questions or need more information, contact Erica Clites (clitese1@msu.edu) at Michigan Sea Grant.
Michigan Water Trails appreciates the support of the Michigan Paddle Stewards program on behalf of this website.